Today we looked at some websites that help organize information. Live Binder is a really interesting and helpful site. It is arranged in an easy to follow way and can hold a lot of information without getting really confusing.
It was really nice to learn about the Google forms and documents, since they are not only easy to use, but easy to make as well. Google forms are really useful for all ages and for many different reasons. I really like the idea of using a "survey" on Google forms instead of a quiz in order to assess learning in a class. This is better for both the teacher and the students, since the survey is fun and the results are all recorded right away.
Creating a Google site was really easy. Although I definitely need to explore it further, I feel confident enough with the skills I learned to be able to figure it out later on my own.
I thought it was really important to talk about the web evaluation, safety, and copyright issues. It is easy with all the resources on the Internet to forget about any one of these things. When doing research or exploring the web, both teachers and students need to remember to evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of a site. Also, safety is easily forgotten sometimes as well. Students need to be educated in safe ways to navigate the Internet. Lastly, teachers and students need to realize that things they find on the Internet are the property of owners, and not necessarily free to use however you want. I'm glad we went over this in class and I hope I remember it all in the future!
Whew! We made it!
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